Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My Canon digital camera is dead

My digital camera is dead. It was provided to me by Manila Bulletin almost two years ago and just this morning the LCD of my Canon A70 went blurry and pinkish.

I was very concerned because I took good care of the camera. Took important pictures (including pictures of Pres. GMA) for the newspaper. I always clean it after a day's use but I was so worried when the problem started to pop up.

It turned out, after a thorough online search, that it was a common problem of A70 cameras based on the different reviews posted by A70 owners on the website below:


I always brought my camera on the field so I can take shots of important news coverage and breaking news as well as during the visits of Pres. GMA.

I really want to take pictures while covering news events sir. Especially that we don't have a photographer here in Cebu yet. In fact, I took up photography classes to take better pictures. But I was so sad when the A70 camera malfunctioned.

(note: after sending an email to my boss up there, he promised to send me a new camera soon. ;) )